Each order contains 100+ pcs of springs
Reminder: Please note that due to the nature of the packaging, when you encounter tangled springs, please swirl it out carefully and tenderly; with brute force, you risk damaging the spring's structure.
New Gazzew Springs 55g, 65g, and 72g
Korean spring steel
Multi zone, universal polarity springs --> []///-/-/-/-///[]
Slightly longer than traditional springs
New Gazzew Springs 63.5g
Korean stainless steel
Single zone, universal polarity springs --> []/////////[]
- Traditional length springs
"I don't make any claims about progressive vs linear vs normal -- They're a new style of spring design" -Gazzew
Disclaimer: I'm not promoting them as anything other than "Gazzew" springs -- the community can discover the attributes and categorize/label them as they see fit.
Packaging/Qty per pack, pricing, etc...
Qty 100+ in a ziplock bag